How to repair variable frequency drive- A process followed by Indian auto service centers

Variable frequency drives are used to supply power to electric motors. These are reliable devices and are also known as AC drives that likewise confront wear and tear issues due to various reasons including negligence by user, extended usage, breakdown of parts or overvoltage. Though, the vehicle owner can maintain variable frequency drives by time-to-time servicing to stay away from such issues. Regular maintenance and servicing can extend the life of every device, if the servicing provider is certified. Sooner or later, you will require repairing services for variable frequency drive, and Indian servicing centers could be the best place to go.


The professional service experts can easily repair AC drive and make it efficient enough to perform its functions within a few days. It is highly recommended to approach reliable service companies or providers as there is a special procedure followed by them for repairing variable frequency drive. The procedure involves these steps:

  1. Inspection of drive– the expert visually checks the drive to determine the fault. Either it is required to repair or replace the drive is depend on the inspection of the professional only. If he finds any faulty part, then he will repair and make replacements accordingly.
  2. Finding the problem and its source- After a core inspection and finding the real problem, the expert moves to its source and determine the cause of the issue. Once the source is found by him, he repair and make replacements as per the need.
  3. Testing- After repairing the faulty component, he checks the performance and test its functionality. Servicing company’s expert runs the variable frequency drive regularly for few hours to ensure the efficiency and performance.
  4. Cleaning- Dust particles in the components are the reason behind improper functioning of an automated device. Hence, it is necessary to clean every installed component prior to ensure proper functioning of the variable frequency drive.
  5. Report– Major servicing centers in India provide variable frequency drive repair reports to the owner. They also mention few tips that an owner can follow to sustain his variable frequency drives in good condition.

Every authorized service provider will offer genuine spare parts to repair the drive. You need to find such provider for quality repair services. Variable Frequency Drive India are complex components and only experienced individual can handle this equipment carefully.